How to create SmartSuite records from new Webflow form submissions is an automation tool that lets you automate actions across Webflow, SmartSuite, and many other apps. In this guide, we'll show you how to automatically run the “create record” action in SmartSuite for each new form submission in Webflow using
Webflow logoWebflow > SmartSuite
Last triggered
Webflow logoNew form submission
SmartSuite logoCreate record

Add the Webflow trigger

Every playbook is initiated by a trigger. This trigger will sense when there are updates in your integrated applications and set your playbook in motion as a result.

To add this trigger, click "Add trigger" and choose "New form submission" within the Webflow options. Next, you will need to select the specific form to track. If this is the first occasion you're configuring a Webflow integration in Relay, you'll be prompted to link your Webflow account.

Your playbook will now automatically activate each time a form is submitted in Webflow.


Add the SmartSuite Create record automation

Now, create a new record in SmartSuite for every submission. Add a new step in your playbook and select "Create record" from the SmartSuite automations.

If SmartSuite hasn't been connected to Relay, you'll need to do that. Then, go ahead and provide the information in the Table and Fields inputs. Use the data from the Webflow form submissions to populate these fields automatically.


Turn on the playbook

Once your playbook is complete, it's time to set it live.

The playbook will activate automatically in response to a new form being submitted on Webflow. You also have the option to click "Check now" and manually initiate a check whenever necessary.

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