How to Send a Mail Merge from Notion

Jacob Bank
Jacob Bank

If you’re a heavy Notion user, you probably have at least one database which is a list of people. They could be customers, clients, employees, or even party guests. And I bet at some point, you’re going to need to email everyone in that database.

Instead of sending a manual email to each person, you can set up a Mail Merge to automatically send a personalized email to each person.

Here’s how to do that in!

1. Set Up Your Database

First, ensure that your database of people has all of the information you’ll need, including the email address and first name of each person.

Set up your database with the people's emails address and names.

2. Set Up Your Batch Trigger

In, you’ll set up a Batch Trigger by going into the Trigger menu and selecting “Start runs in batches”. You can either do this on-demand by clicking “Manually” or you can set up a “Recurring schedule” (for example, if you want to email a list of people every week). For this example, we’ll do it on-demand.

Start a batch trigger manually or on a recurring schedule

3. Select Your Database

To configure the trigger, select Notion as your app and choose the right database.

Select the right Notion database

4. Set Up Your Send Email Step

Next, you’ll add the automation to send the email, using Gmail in this example. In the “To” field, you can select the email address of the current Notion page. In the body of the email, you can reference the first name and any other information that’s relevant.

Reference the email address and any other information from the Notion page.

5. Test the Automation with a Single Email

Before running the mail merge for every entry in your database, you can test it with a single item.

Start a test run to make sure the email is correct

Once you’re happy with the test, you can run the Mail Merge for every item in the database. When it’s done, you’ll see all of the completed runs to confirm that everything happen as you intended.

And that’s it! The whole process should only take a few minutes to set up and it can save you hours of sending emails one by one.

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