Summarise emails and log them to Notion

Automatically track and organize emails in Notion by logging both incoming and outgoing correspondence with AI-generated summaries.
Created by
Celine Adam
Celine Adam
Entrepreneur screenshot of: Summarise emails and log them to Notion screenshot of: Summarise emails and log them to screenshot of: Summarise emails and log them to Notion

Steps in this workflow

Gmail logo
Label added
OpenAI logo
Summarise email body
Outgoing Emails
Incoming Emails
Path rules
Notion logo
Log outgoing email in Notion database

With this workflow you can effortlessly log important emails. When a label is added in Gmail (manually or via a filter) AI generates a concise summary of the email body. The workflow then creates a Notion database page, categorising the email as sent or received while logging key details like subject, date, recipient, and summary.

The full email content is also stored inside the database page for easy reference. No more manually logging: just a seamless, hands-free way to keep track of important emails.

Gmail logo
Label added screenshot of: Trigger

Monitors your Gmail account for any emails that are labeled "Agency". This trigger activates the workflow to process the labeled email and extract its contents for logging.

OpenAI logo
Summarise email body screenshot of: Step 2: Summarise email body

Creates a concise summary of the email body using AI. This summary captures the key points of the message for easy reference in your database without needing to read the full email.

Outgoing Emails
Incoming Emails
This path will be taken when the rules below match. screenshot of: Path: Outgoing Emails
Paths make it super easy to create complex, multi-outcome workflows.
Notion logo
Log outgoing email in Notion database screenshot of: Step 4: Log outgoing email in Notion database

Creates a new entry in your Notion database for outgoing emails. This step logs the email details including the subject, recipient, full content, and the AI-generated summary with a "Sent" status indicator.