How to add Google Forms submissions to a Lemlist campaign is an automation tool that lets you automate actions across Google Forms, Lemlist, and many other apps. In this guide, we'll show you how to automatically run the “add lead to campaign” action in Lemlist for each form response submitted in Google Forms using
Google Forms logoGoogle Forms > Lemlist
Last triggered
Google Forms logoForm response submitted
Lemlist logoAdd lead to campaign

Add the Google Forms trigger

A trigger is what kicks off your playbook whenever a specified event occurs in one of your connected apps.

For this playbook, you'll use the "New form response" trigger from Google Forms to initiate the process whenever someone signs up on your waitlist form. This will ensure that each new form submission automatically triggers a playbook run.

To implement this, click "Add trigger" within your playbook editor, select the "New form response" trigger, and connect it to the waitlist form you've set up. If this is your first time integrating Google Forms, you might need to go through an authorization process to connect your account.


Add the Lemlist automation

In your playbook, steps represent the actions that are taken each time it's triggered. For automations, these steps are actions performed in third-party tools.

For the current playbook aimed at growing your Lemlist campaign, you will add an automation titled "Add lead to campaign" tailored for Lemlist.

To do this, click on "Add step" within your playbook and look for the Lemlist "Add lead to campaign" automation, then provide the required information. If you haven't connected Lemlist to Relay before, you will be asked to either sign in or authorize Relay to access your Lemlist account for the first time.


Turn on your playbook

Activating your playbook is the final step to put your automated workflow into action. As soon as it's turned on, new signups from your Google Forms waitlist will be added to your selected Lemlist campaign automatically.

To make your playbook live, simply click on the toggle switch located in the top section of the playbook interface. However, it is recommended to run a test first to ensure everything is set up correctly and functions as expected. Once you've confirmed that the test outcomes are satisfactory, you can confidently enable your playbook.

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