How to create Jira issues when a deal closes in Pipedrive is an automation tool that lets you automate actions across Jira, Pipedrive, and many other apps. In this guide, we'll show you how to automatically run the “create issue” action in Jira for each deal stage changed in Pipedrive using
Pipedrive logoPipedrive > Jira
Last triggered
Pipedrive logoDeal stage changed
Jira logoCreate issue

Add the Pipedrive trigger

A trigger is responsible for detecting changes in your connected apps and running your playbook in response.

In this case, the "Deal won" trigger for Pipedrive will automatically create new playbook runs whenever a deal is marked as won.

Click "Add trigger" in your playbook, select the "Deal won" trigger, and set it up. If this is the first time you're setting it up, you'll be prompted to connect your Pipedrive account.


Add the Jira automation

A playbook contains steps that will be executed during every run. Automations are steps that take some action in another tool.

In this playbook, you can set up some "Create issue" automations for Jira to file the tickets needed to e.g. onboard a new customer.

Click the "Add step" button, then navigate to "Automations", find the Jira automation, and fill out the details. If this is the first time you're setting it up, you'll be prompted to connect your Jira account.

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